
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Incredible Inspiration

Just like a kid!!!! I'm sure we can all relate to this!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Incredible Inspiration

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Incredible Inspiration

Pervs & Pedos....Let's talk to our children! Most importantly LISTEN!

I know that sexual abuse can be a very difficult topic to talk about especially with children, but we must address the devil that has been creeping around our children silently for generations. This may sound hard to believe but this is an all to common issue that impacts many families; and now is the time to take a stand and speak out against these perpetrators! This is unfair for children to carry this heinous act with them for the rest of their lives with the feeling that they can't tell anyone. It's time to let everyone know especially our children that it is ok to tell. These pervs and pedos actually believe there is nothing wrong with sexually offending against children. This cycle will continue as long as we're silent. So speak up! According to the CDC 2014 Statistics:  CPS estimated that 686,000 children were victims of maltreatment. Of the child victims, 9% of sexual abuse. 27% of victims were younger than 3 years, 20% of victims were age 3-5 years, with children younger than 1 year having the highest rate of victimization (21.9 per 1,000 children). The rates of victimization in 2012 were 8.7 per 1,000 children for boys and 9.5 per 1,000 children for girls.

In the United States,
White (50.2%); one-quarter (25.0%) are African American; and one-sixth (14.5%) are Hispanic. American Indians and Alaska Natives account for 2% of victims, and Asian-Pacific Islanders accounted for 1.3% of victims.

In a nationally representative survey:  42.2% of female rape victims were first raped before age 18.
• 29.9% of female rape victims were first raped between the ages of 11-17.
• 12.3% female rape victims and 27.8% of male rape victims were first raped when they were age 10 or younger. These are just the cases that has been reported. Imagine the many children that are silent.

Four-fifths (80.3%) of perpetrators were parents, 6.1 percent were relatives other than parents, and 4.2 percent were unmarried partners of parents.

This utterly disturbing to me. As a parent your job is to protect your children. Stop sitting around in a household allowing this heinous act to go on. Listen to your children!! Talk to your children. I recently had a conversation with five young ladies and out of that 5, 4 of them had been assaulted by their father or family member. This was just nerve wrecking to me. If you can't trust your own father then who can you trust?! This is a child abuse that often extends long into adulthood. Take the time to talk to your children. Even if you think nothing is going on in your home, still just have that talk with your child(ren). Here are a few tips to help you talk to your child(ren).
1.Go to a place alone where they will feel comfortable and talk to them.
2.Never do this in front of others because it may cause the child to shut down and not open up to you.
3.Ask your child if anyone has been touching them where they are not suppose to or making them feel uncomfortable
4.As a parent if the answer is yes, this may infuriate you, but you must remain calm because getting angry and acting out in front of the child may scare the child. Just let him/her know that they were so bold to tell you and that you promise that they will not get in trouble etc.
5.Inform your children that their are NO secrets and their will NEVER be any secrets. If anything is going on it needs to be told.
6.If you believe that your child has been sexual abuse/assaulted then take it upon yourself as a parent, as a protector to do the right thing by your child and call 911. Better safe then sorry.
7. Last but not least, believe what your children tell you! I've witnessed several occasions where the mother did not believe their children. It is rare that a child is going to falsely accuse someone. Not saying it doesn't happen. I'm saying it's rare. LISTEN to your children and believe them the first time. If you  or someone you know has been sexually assaulted please contact your local police department or the National Sexual Assault Hotline 1.800.656.4673

"Listen earnestly to anything your children wants to tell you. No matter what. If you don't listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won't tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them all of it has always been big stuff" Thank you!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

My Top 10 Parenting Pet Peeves

10. Pushing pregnancy. You have one child so when are you going to have another one? You should really have another child for him/her to play with. Really? So who's going to carry this child for 40 weeks because I sure as heck am not? Are you going to financially support this child for me? Oh ok exactly what I thought so stop asking me!

9. Moms judging other moms. Listen just because you never received the love or weren't shown affection as a child does not mean that I am not going to give love and show affection towards my child. Which is probably why your children are half crazy with robotic behavior now. To each their own but I love my daughter dearly and I going to make sure she knows it on a regular basis. I am a mother and my job is to nurture my child and I don't need your approval to do it.

8. Inattentive Parents- I am so tired of walking into establishments and seeing small children running around the supermarket unattended and climbing all inside of the refrigerated coolers. It's like the parents are waiting for them to fall and hurt themselves or better yet for that unsuspecting child predator to walk up and snatch your child right from under your nose.

7. Obese Children - First off, I am not referring to children with medical conditions that may cause obesity. I am speaking to the parents that are eating unhealthy and allowing their child(ren) to eat unhealthy. This is not fair. Children don't know what is healthy and what is not and children can not prepare their own healthy dishes. So just because you as a parent live to eat, doesn' t mean you should inflict such an unhealthy life style upon an  innocent child.

6. Adults are properly dressed, yet your child/children looks bummish. Really? So you're dressed to the T but your child is looking like a bum. It's cold out side and while you are dressed in you jackets and boots and your children are out with a jacket and no shoes. Go figure.

5. Comparison of children. This absolutely erks my nerves. Never ever compare your child's appearance, intelligence, and abilities to another. They are unique and over time will progress and come into their own.

4. Deadbeat or Disconnected Parent. You made the choice to conceive once you laid down butt naked but now you refuse to be apart of the child's life. You have custody of your kids, but you never have them and that's by choice. Instead of being in your child's life you rather watch them grow up on social media! I'm sure that will get you the bet parent award! You never have your kids except for the holidays and that's just to put on for social media. Go kill yourself! You're not fooling anyone but yourself!

3. When someone with zero kids or with a lot of children... but didn't raise any of them, wants to tell me how I should discipline or raise my child, yet they don't know the difference between bad and active.

2. Bad @zz /Violent Kids with Sorry @zz Parents. My apologies but there was just no other way to name this peeve. You as a parent sit back and watch your aggressively violent child attack another child and you don't address it. Ok you won't so I will but it's not going to be pretty.


1. Favoritism. The worst thing you can do to me is to show favoritism towards a child , especially against mine! If you are a parent, grand parent, relative, or a close friend of the family the last thing you should do is exhibit such behavior towards the children. They maybe "children" but they are not dumb and they can see it as clear as daylight. If there are 5 kids in that home and the holidays come around then there should be 5 equivalent gifts going to that home. No child is better than the other where you feel that it is ok to buy for one but not the other, spend more time with one but not the other, uplift one but not the other, claim one but not the other. If you do then you need help. I suggest you go get it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

It's My Birthday! I Can't Keep Calm!


OMG! My birthday has come around once again and I am still turning 21! I absolutely enjoyed my day. My night was filled with fun and laughter! I visited the legendary Sun Dial Restaurant, 72 STORIES UP, in Atlanta. For those of you who are not familiar with the Sun Dial Restaurant then please google it! This venue is of spectacular opulence and it spins around overlooking downtown Atlanta. Yes you heard me spins.  It takes about one hour to spin full circle.  Everything about this place was beautiful! The wood smoked salmon over olive basil pesto was phenomenal. I will add that no outside items are allowed. ex birthday cakes, gifts, balloons. They do validate parking.  I like to thank everyone for their well wishes and for celebrating my day with me. Xoxo

    Loosening Up at The Sun Dial Restaurant Video
    My Birthday Cake!! Gotta watch til the end!! Video